Our Services


A large percentage of mena and women over 50 complain of hair loss, but just because thinning is natural doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Indiba Scalp Therapy Hair Loss Treatment stimulates the nutritional elements and oxygen that the hair needs for growth, increases its elasticity as a result of increased supply of keratin to long fibres in the cortex and increases the diameter of the hair itself.Indiba Scalp Therapy Hair Loss Treatment is a non-evasive radiofrequency based treatment for the scalp. Using benefits of the patented “Proionic Action”, the treatment facilitates the exchange of positive and negative ions between the extracellular and intracellular matrix of the cell to create a balanced state of ions (healthy cells). This results in benefits that range from increased metabolism, improved blood and lymphatic circulation, all of which will help stimulate hair growth.

Indiba Scalp Therapy helps with;

•Growth of new healthy hair
•Increase the follicle size of existing hair
•Slows down and stops hair lossUndergoing Indiba Scalp Therapy Hair Loss Treatment stimulates a Proionic Action which can show new hair growth in just a few weeks.

  • DandruffOily & Dry ScalpSensitive & Itchy ScalpBenefits
  • Deep Scalp Cleansing
  • Stimulate Healthy Hair Regrowth
  • Boost Cell Regeneration & Metabolism
  • Soothe Scalp DiscomfortsThis procedure is non-invasive, non-thermal, relaxing and comfortable and you’ll be seated on a reclining chair.

1000 +

Operations done

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Immunotherapy 91%
Hormone therapy 84%
Targeted drug therapy 75%

Cost : ₦147,890.00

It is a non-invasive treatment, very relaxing and enjoyable to receive, clients usually receiving courses of ten treatments initially withe the recommendation of regular top-up treatments afterwards.This treatment usually takes 2 hours.

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