Spichlorell Herbal Shake



✱ NATURAL SOURCE OF VITAMINS, MINERALS & AMINO ACIDS – Our Spichlorell BLEND contains more than 100 NUTRIENTS needed for your body to be HEALTHY! Ultra-Rich in IRON, Beta-Carotene and PROTEIN with all essential AMINO ACIDS. Unique combination of NUCLEIC ACIDS (DNA&RNA), CHLOROPHYLL and CHLORELLA GROWTH FACTOR makes this chlorophyll powder BLEND much more nutritious than just Spirulina on its own.

✱ AMAZING HEALTH BENEFITS – Spirulina Chlorella PURIFIES blood and brings body back to ALKALINE state. Cleansing CHLOROPHYLL restores natural ENERGY level. High in ANTIOXIDANT and enriched vitamin B complex.

Spichlorell DETOXIFIES body and supports SKIN & HAIR health. Spichlorell GROWTH FACTOR improves IMMUNE system & REPAIRES tissue cells. Enhances metabolism and speeds up WEIGHT LOSS. Improves MENTAL CLARITY and reduces FATIGUE.

We are a healthy Superfoods brand with a mission to produce the highest quality Superfood products and ensure they contain only natural and raw ingredients to support overall health and wellbeing. We believe our nutrient-filled Superfoods give the best results by nourishing your Body, Mind and Soul. GREAT HEALTH IS A KEY TO HAPPINESS!

Public Service Announcement

Beginning January 2025, all invoices and billing statements issued in prior years will be considered null and void as part of our transition to updated procedures. We will also be implementing an adjustment in our service fees to reflect changes in operational costs and the value we deliver to our clients. As part of this update, all clients will be required to undergo a fresh consultation process. This step is essential to ensure that each client receives the most current and personalized recommendations based on their specific needs. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we make these improvements to better serve you in the coming year.


Mrs Joy Adeboye
Manager of MRT Clinic